Author Archives: Dunphy Communications

A tribute song to Munster and Irish legend Anthony Foley will be launched during halftime in this weekend’s rugby international between Ireland and New Zealand at Aviva Stadium.

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The Board of Greyhound Racing Ireland (GRI) / Rásaíocht Con Éireann (RCÉ) has today proposed the appointment of Dearbhla O’Brien to the position of Chief Executive Officer. The appointment will now be submitted to the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine for approval.

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Representatives of the Irish greyhound industry have raised concerns over the inclusion of what they say is a “misleading and inaccurate” representation of greyhound racing in a student activity book which forms part of the Junior Cycle curriculum.

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Indoor dining has recommenced at the Cliffs of Moher Visitor Experience in County Clare for the first time since the start of the pandemic with the reopening of the newly refurbished Cliffs View Café.

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A free interactive mobile app has today (29 July 2021) been launched for those visiting or planning to visit the Cliffs of Moher Visitor Experience in County Clare.

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The significant contribution made by the greyhound racing industry to the Irish exchequer and rural employment is highlighted in a new report published at Shelbourne Park, Dublin, today by Greyhound Racing Ireland (GRI).

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A fully integrated ticketing, booking and capacity management system is being introduced at the Cliffs of Moher to further enhance the overall visitor experience for the 1.6 million annual visitors to Ireland’s most popular natural attraction.

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A group of 15 Independent TDs will introduce a Private Members Motion to the Dáil tomorrow (10:00am-midday, Wednesday, 11 November 2020) seeking a range of Government interventions to offset “the imminent crisis facing Irish airports”, in particular Shannon, Knock, Kerry, Donegal and Cork airports. The group, comprising members of the Independent, Rural Independent and Regional Independent groupings, is calling on the Government to:• implement in full the recommendations of the Aviation Recovery Taskforce• prepare a new national aviation policy that recognises the importance of regional connectivity to balanced and more sustainable regional development• revise Fáilte Ireland objectives to include attracting tourists to fly directly into the State’s regional airports• develop a testing regime for passengers to and from both Orange and Red listed destinations in the EU in order to fully implement the spirit of the recent European Council Recommendation on a co-ordinated approach to the restriction of free movement…

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Independent TDs from across the west of Ireland are calling for a range of urgent State supports for Shannon Airport after Shannon Group updated them on how business operations at Shannon Heritage and Shannon Airport have been “decimated” as a result of Covid. In a meeting today with Mary Considine (CEO, Shannon Group) and Ray O’Driscoll (Chief Operating Officer, Shannon Group), Michael McNamara (Clare, Independent Group), Noel Grealish (Galway West, Regional Independent Group), Richard O’Donoghue (Limerick County, Rural Independent Group) and Michael Fitzmaurice (Roscommon Galway, Independent Group) were informed that Shannon Group is facing weekly revenue losses of €1.3m and is expecting annual revenue for 2020 to be down by 80%. The TDs were also told that Shannon Airport anticipates 350,000 passengers in 2020, down from 1.8m passengers in 2019. The TDs gave a commitment to Shannon Group to meet with the Taoiseach, Minister for Transport and airline representatives with…

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The significant contribution to Irish culture by the founder of the GAA will be celebrated with the inaugural Michael Cusack Day in Carron, located in the heart of the Burren in County Clare, at midday on Sunday (20 September). A Shane Gilmore sculpture representing the central role played by Gaelic Games in communities across the island of Ireland will be unveiled exactly 173 years on from Cusack’s birth in Carron, while 32 trees representing each county will be unveiled as part of the TOMAR Trust-funded GAA and Burren fairy trails near the Michael Cusack Cottage. The event also will feature the launch of “Going WeLL”, a national wellness experience programme being developed nationally by the GAA to encourage people to take better care of their mental and physical health, and by so doing, to reconnect with their communities. Going WeLL is being rolled out on a pilot outreach basis to…

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